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Possible thesis subjects for students (French only)
Current projects
Entités et identité dans les jeux de données du web sémantique : une exploration sémiotique des enjeux pour les milieux documentaires [Entities and identities in the Semantic Web's Linked Open Data: a semiotic study of the impacts on Library and Information Science contexts].
Insight Development Program (SSHRC).
Principal Investigator.
$45 282. 2018-2020.
The research project focuses on the Semantic Web and its Linked Open Data (or LOD). The goal of the project is to study Semantic Web descriptions in light of the needs and expectations of Library and Information Science environments. It aims to make recommendations on the appropriate uses of Semantic Web technology in these contexts.
Écosystème de la gestion des données de recherche : étude des processus documentaires, des rôles et des responsabilités des acteurs institutionnels [Research data management ecosystem: a study of the document processes, and the roles and responsibilities of institutional stakeholders].
Insight Program (SSHRC).
Principal Investigator. Co-researcher : Dominique Maurel (EBSI).
$72 809. 2018-2021.
The research project addresses research data management, i.e. data generated in the context of research projects. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the understanding of the ecosystem of research data management in Canada, in terms of stakeholders' roles and certain processes involved.
Algorithmic Law and Legal Norm Migration in the Technological Realm: Concepts, Case Studies and
Bilateral Program for Collaborative Research Québec – Communauté française de Belgique.
FRQ-SC and FNRS (Belgium).
Principal investigators: Karim Benyekhlef (UdeM) and Benoît Frydman (Université Libre de Bruxelles).
$197 192. 2017-2019. Role: co-researcher [other co-researchers: Marie Demoulin and Nicolas Vermeys (UdeM), Gilbert Babin (HEC), Hugues Bersini (ULB)].
Algorithmic Law and Legal Norm Migration in the Technological Realm: Concepts, Case Studies and Perspectives The worldwide ongoing digitization process, the development of global communication networks, and the advances in artificial intelligence and robotics have implications on all aspects of life in society. These transformations also have an impact on law which is itself modified by this digital transition. Thus, the world of justice integrates directly into its arsenal new technologies (e-discovery, electronic filing, remote trials through videoconferencing, etc.) that can lead to changes in procedural and evidentiary rules. New technologies also affect legal norms as well as their implementation and penalties. These norms are interpreted, mediated and potentially replaced by computer systems using artificial intelligence and algorithms (Big data & Taxation, smart contracts, decision support software, automation of certain procedures, etc.). This is referred to as "algorithmic law" or "computational law". Through an interdisciplinary collaboration between lawyers and computer scientists, this research project intends to examine the consequences of the migration of legal norms in the context of algorithmic law. Consideration will also be given to the benchmarks that should be established where necessary in order to ensure that such migration does not jeopardize fundamental rights or the balance of interests underlying various legal regimes. The main results of the project will be a better understanding of the impact of the migration of legal norms to technical devices and a multidisciplinary analysis of the risks and opportunities of this migration for public authorities, legal professionals, citizens and litigants.
- Technès – Partenariat international de recherche sur les techniques et technologies du cinéma [International research partnership on cinema techniques and technology]. SSHRC. PIs : André Gaudreault (UdeM, head of TECHNÈS), Gilles Moüellic (Université Rennes 2, head of the French section) and Laurent Le Forestier (Université Rennes 2, head of the Swiss section) [with over 40 other researchers]. 2 500 000 $. 2015-2022. Role : member of the thesaurus committee since May 2016.
Tshiue-natuapatetau/Kigibiwewidon : exploring new alternatives
concerning restitution/reappropriation of native heritage.
Community-University Research Alliance (CURA) program. 1,000,000$, 2011-2016.
Team of 22 investigators and collaborators. My role : co-investigator (2012-2017)
Principal investigator (2017-2018: Lyne Da Sylva
Principal investigaore (2012-2017): Élise Dubuc, Histoire de l’art et études cinématographiques.
This project brings together members of the communities of Mashteuiatsh and Kitigan Zibi with community and university researchers and a number of other partners, including museums. Together we will explore several methods of cultural reappropriation for the Ilnu community of Mashteuiatsh and the Anishinabeg community of Kitigan Zibi: museum visits in Canada and the United States, collections access, object loans and returns, online photos of object, etc. We will also look at new ways of helping members of the communities feel closer to the elements that constitute their heritage and better control their destiny.
My contribution to the project involves the organisation of the digital library which will be created to disseminate images of the cultural objects involved.
UBIK : Of the importance of identifying the transdisciplinary vocabulary in the process of categorization of the concepts related to a scientific domain. Research project headed by Ivana Roche (INIST-CNRS, France). Other co-investigators: Nathalie Antonot, Dominique Besagni and Claire François from INIST-CNRS; Marianne Hörlesberger and Edgar Schiebel from the Austrian Institute of Technology (Austria). My rôle : co-investigator.
In a great number of studies in various fields, there is an increasing need to identify the transdisciplinary lexicon by opposition to the discipline-specific terminology. Previous work based on content analysis showed clearly that the use of such a characterization of indexing keywords would considerably decrease the expert’s workload in evaluating information extracted from documents and representing it in a consistent way. A second pragmatic product of this project is the ability to associate a given document with a "transdisciplinarity score" (or, conversely, a "specialization score"). Such information could help in determining the accessibility of documents for a given audience.
In this project, we propose to lay out a methodology answering those needs and we choose as exploratory discipline the field of Chemistry and the Scopus database as the scientific and technological information source.
Regards croisés sur le lexique : didactique, lexicologie, sciences de l'information et terminologie. Fonds de recherche québécois sur la société et la culture (FRQ-SC). 418 209$. 2013-2017. Soutien aux équipes de recherche. Principal investigator : Marie-Claude L’Homme (Dep. of Linguistics and translation, U. de Montréal), Team OLST (Observatoire de linguistique sens-texte). Rôle : co-inverstigator.
Research team funded by the FRQ-SC, dedicated to the study of the lexicon in its various aspects: theoretical (lexicology, terminology) and applicative (in information science and language education).
Previous projects
Condensés de textes pour une assimilation rapide de l’information
biomédicale. [Text condensation for quick assimilation of biomedical information] Chaire Bell en recherche interdisciplinaire sur les
technologies émergentes. 2006-2007. Group grant. Co-researchers:
Michel Gagnon
(Département de génie informatique, École Polytechnique de Montréal) and
Alain Polguère (Département
de linguistique et de traduction) ; collaborator :
Robert Leblanc (Institut de génie biomédical, Université de Montréal et
École Polytechnique). Role: main researcher.
Outils d'accès au contenu de documents numériques [Tools for
accessing the content of digital documents].
National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada - Individual
Discovery Grand, 2005-2010.
- Réseau de recherche pour la gestion du contenu culturel
numérique [Research Network for the management of digital cultural
content]. (Head: Djemel
Ziou, Université de Sherbrooke) (CoRIMedia). Subvention du Fonds
des réseaux de recherche sur les nouveaux médias
(Ministère du Patrimoine canadien). 2004 - 2005.
- Réseau de recherche pour la gestion du contenu culturel
numérique. (Head: Djemel
Ziou, Université de Sherbrooke) (CoRIMedia). Subvention du Fonds
des réseaux de recherche sur les nouveaux médias
(Ministère du Patrimoine canadien). 2003 - 2004.
- Implementing and Evaluating Linguistic Descriptions in Natural
Language Processing Applications. National Science and Engineering Research
Council of Canada - Individual research grant,
- Accès convivial et systémique à l'Internet
dans le secteur de la construction [with Colin Davidson,
École d'architecture (main researcher) and Jian-Yun Nie,
Département d'informatique et de recherche
opérationnelle]. National Science and Engineering Research Council of
Canada and Bell University Laboratories.
Page updated 04 Feb 2019